jill@amanimeanspeace.net 970-232-3127

Dating Group Programs

Dating for Dignity

An Equine Assisted Therapeutic Workshop

Wednesdays at 5:30 April 11-May 30, 2018
At Amani Farm
439 Vaughn Court
Ft. Collins, CO 80524

Are you looking for a life partner, but keep connecting with the wrong man?
Have you been repeatedly disappointed to find out your prince charming isn’t so charming ?
Do you find you romance continually ending in heartbreak, and sometimes even wonder “what is it about me….?”
It’s time to take you power back and transform your life!

Learn to Date Differently

Learn to Date Differently

You can learn to date differently and experience very different results. At Amani farm Jill Cantor Lee offers an eight week equine assisted educational/ dating support group that will give you concrete tools and strategies for “power dating”. That’s right; horses will assist you in this invaluable journey as you gain clear guidelines for attracting the right partner, protecting your heart, and creating a new story for love romance and partnership. Participants have said this group has changed their lives and is not to be missed! $450 for all 8 sessions.